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The difference between domestic and professional mats

Why isn't a large-area doormat suitable for ERP applications?

Far from being a trivial choice, entrance mats reinforce your company's image as soon as people enter your premises, and help immerse your customers in your world. If you're a professional, it's essential to choose a professional entrance mat that's both attractive and hard-wearing, capable of limiting soiling and preventing slipping. But what are the differences between mat for domestic use, mat sold in supermarkets and mat for professional use? NEOSOL explains.

What's the difference between mat for domestic use and mat for professional use?

Many retailers opt for home entrance mats sold in supermarkets. One of the reasons? The use of the word "doormat". But in professional circles, the word "doormat" refers to non-professional domestic use. To protect the entrance floor of an ERP, it's better to choose a "professional mat".

The concrete difference between the two uses (domestic and professional) is the intensity of daily traffic. A mat for domestic use is designed to be laid at the entrance to a private dwelling, while a professional mat is laid at the entrance to ERP (establishments receiving the public). They can also be installed in a corridor or inside a building.

Because of the greater number of visitors, a professional entrance mat has characteristics that distinguish it from a mat for domestic use, notably its resistance. A quality professional mat is designed to withstand heavy traffic and has a long service life.

Ø Read also: Why is it important for stores to invest in entrance mats?

What's the difference between supermarket and professional entrance mats?

It can be tempting to buy your entrance mat in a supermarket. But it's unlikely to be suited to your needs, and will quickly wear out. For a quality, hard-wearing mat, it's best to turn to a professional vendor.

Indeed, entrance mats sold in supermarkets are generally washed at 40° and get dirty quickly. The choice of sizes and colors is also very limited. Last but not least, they are made of rough fibers, which are not very absorbent.

Professional entrance mats, on the other hand, are much more resistant: they can be washed at 60° and are made of thick, dense natural fibers for optimum absorption of dirt and moisture. This criterion should not be overlooked: a clean, quality mat reflects a good image of your company and ensures the cleanliness of the premises, while guaranteeing passenger safety, especially on rainy days when the floor is slippery.

What's more, to meet the needs of a wide range of ERP applications, this type of matting is available in a wide choice of colors, sizes and cuts. Better still, with NEOSOL, you can choose a customizable entrance mat, with or without logo, to reinforce your image. It's a simple, aesthetic communication tool to promote your brand, right from the moment you enter your premises.

Finally, professional entrance mats meet the resistance requirements of category 1 ERP. According to the Handicap law, "whether laid or embedded, fixed mats must be hard enough not to impede the progress of a wheelchair. They must not create a step of more than 2 cm.

Ø Also read: Professional entrance mats: what are the mistakes to avoid?

The use of a domestic entrance mat does not reflect a professional image of your establishment. If you're looking for a professional entrance mat, turn to a specialized vendor like NEOSOL. Whether you're looking for tufted mats, aluminum mats, brush mats or spaghetti mats, we can advise you and offer you a wide range of models to choose from according to your needs.


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